Zoom data center and server locations

 It is questionable if Zoom owns its own data center or not. But definitely even video hosting company like Zoom needs large set of data centers to manage large amount of communications that happens in their digital paltform. That is why today we are in this blog to inform you whatever we know about data center locations of Zoom.


Zoom is a online video platform like skype that operates on Zoom.us domain. But obviously you have to download their app based on windows or android device to run their video chat services. This software mainly got popular during this covid-19 pandemic when most of the countries were into lockdown and businesses had no option but to run their meetings and seminars online. This infact made people realize that physical proximity is not required to actually conduct the meeting and also made people used to with the new technology on video conferencing and virtual meeting. 

But we all know how much GB of data a video takes compared to simple document files. Even a minute of clip can amount to 10MB when a long paged document can come in 1MB file. Therefore, company like Zoom that host video conferencing, video chat, seminars and virtual meeting in massive scale worldwide must require huge infrastructure to support large amount of bandwidth and data center requirement. 

Zoom Data Center Locations

It is obvious as we draw the conclusion that they must need data centers, but do anyone know where does they host their application and platform. Actually, Zoom has been very open about their data center locations like many other companies. But some of the staffs and some senior executives on various platform has hinted that Zoom does have its own data center infrastructures. Besides, it also takes help of cloud infrastructure providers such as AWS and Oracle cloud. Many have mentioned whereabouts of their data centers in China, India, Japan, Hong Kong, Australia, Canada, USA, etc. But to speak with confirmatory statement without reliable sources would be bad. Therefore, I would like to refrain from absolutely claiming these facts with guarantee.
